Wednesday, June 01, 2011

It's gonna get LOUDER! - DJ Fresh (UPDATED)

The first time I heard this was in a YouTube dub dance video. So only fair to share it with you in the same format. Check it out first, then then continue below for the full track and write-up. (do not adjust your volume. Headphones & Bass highly recommended!)

DJ Fresh rolls out a kicking 2011 summer(Northern Hemisphere) club tune, only for it to then be dubbed one step higher by The Doc and Flux. Insane!!

The vocals are from Sian Evans, the lead singer of Kosheen. A DnB group I've really enjoyed for many years and lucky enough to have seen live at a few intimate gigs in the UK.

Without much further ado, time to roll the full track... Sit back (ha, yeah right) and enjoy!

***** UPDATE*****
I've noticed the soundcloud tune has been removed, hence the link not working anymore. Hmmm, irritatingly menacingly, downright just quite LAME!

Here's the YouTube link instead! (CLICK ME for the 320 download...)

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